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Stack of books written by Dr Marianne Trent


Written by Dr Marianne Trent

I loved the growth and development that being an aspiring psychologist afforded me. And now, I love to nurture and support you, as the next generation of psychologists, as you step into your zone of genius with compassion, confidence and integrity.

Dr Marianne holding Clinical Psychologist book

The Clinical Psychologist Collective:
Advice & Guidance for Aspiring Clinical Psychologists

Within these pages you will find career changes, mental health wobbles and ways people have battled against issues of equality and diversity to get to where they wanted to be. There are also top tips and guidance from them to you! Each narrative - or case study - is told in the unique style of the person who wrote it.

"I bought this as an aspiring psychologist myself, in the hope that it might deter me from what is a difficult career path to navigate given how hard it is to gain a place on the doctorate course. However, the stories are so inspiring it’s only made me more determined! Great read."

Lauren B

"This book offers several accounts from current CPs who detail their journeys without whitewashing their struggles. Instead, they take a very reflective approach when relating their journeys and never fail to be honest about what they've learned on the way."

A Sadiq

Dr Marianne holding Aspiring Psychologist photo

The Aspiring Psychologist Collective: Reflective Accounts of Mental Health Professionals on their way to Qualification

This book puts real clinicians front and centre guiding you through their hopes, dreams and struggles against the backdrop of increasing demand for therapy following the pandemic.

Their stories help you consider the steps involved to gaining places on professional psychology doctoral courses in the U.K. Reading this unique book is a lesson in reflection and development in itself. 

"It's amazing to be able to hear about the journeys of people in a similar position to me, and has given me lots of ideas about what I might like to do after I graduate. It's nice to read people's stories and know that there are others out there who understand what I'm working towards."


"This book along with the CP collective has been really helpful in shedding light on the DClin application process and more importantly the differences in aspiring psychologists’ journeys. I would highly recommend this book. My mind has been opened to further possibilities and my anxieties have been soothed a little also."


Dr Marianne holding An Autistic Anthology book

An Autistic Anthology: Neuro-Narratives of Mental Health Professionals

Navigating the world of mental health employment can already seem overwhelming, but what if you are also autistic? 

Our book, An Autistic Anthology: Neuro-Narratives of Mental Health Professionals, features the stories of many autistic professionals. Through these pages, we hope that the autistic community might relate to our stories and perhaps feel a little less alone in their journey. For our workplace allies, friends and family, we hope that they may gain an insight into our world and experiences. 

It is a must read for professionals, autistic people and, well, everyone!

"This book brings powerful narratives of autistic mental health workers in their own way. To other autistic mental health workers this brings visibility, and to allies or those who wish to learn more about their experiences, offers and insight into the reality of the writers. The book has been wonderfully edited to be authentic to each individual story, and bring all the stories together as a collective."


"I urge everyone professional or not, to consider getting their hands on a copy. Both from my professional perspective and my parent of a teen daughter with ASD/ADHD perspective, this book is absolute gold."


Water Texture
"Dr Marianne Trent has done a huge service to the 4,500 clinical psychology applicants, trying to secure the coveted clinical training place. The Clinical Psychologist Collective contains stories written by individuals from a variety of backgrounds, who managed to secure training places, often after years of trying. This book will inspire those still wanting to join this exclusive profession. Highly recommended."

Prof. Jerome Carson

"Dr Marianne understands the value of individual experiences in their professional development as a clinical psychologist and has elegantly collected a variety of valueble lessons from clinical psychologists of different backgrounds. You'll be sure to learn something from this and reflect on your own journey too. The Clinical Psychologist Collective shows you that no matter where you are in your training as a Clinical Psychologist, your personal development is never ending!"

Aman Rattan

"I was totally hooked by The Clinical Psychologist Collective and flew through it in 3 days. I’ve highlighted so many great nuggets of wisdom throughout the book and I know I’ll return to them throughout the DClinPsy application process. It was so refreshing to read such honest stories of resilience, perseverance, and diverse paths to the clinical doctorate. This book is also full of great examples of reflective writing (something many of us haven’t been explicitly taught, but need to develop for completing our “form”). 

Buy Now!

Fánchea Daly

Dr Marianne holding Grief Collective book

The Grief Collective: Stories of Life, Loss & Learning to Heal

A unique collection of 54 stories written by real people who have experienced grief in their own lives.

It gives readers the opportunity to learn about grief and be supported with it by the experts – the people who have experienced it themselves. It has broad appeal and can be used by professionals too.

The contributors talk about what helped them to cope at the time and since. They also describe helpful resources such as therapies, support groups and books.

"What a fantastic idea, a book containing stories from real people detailing how grief has affected them and how they have coped. I wish this book had existed last year when I was newly bereaved and looking for books to relate to."

Amazon Customer

"Heartfelt stories which captures the raw emotions felt by real people. True stories of the effects of death, during and the aftermath. You won’t want to put the book down - plus, I’m a little nosey too."

Amazon Customer

Dr Marianne holding Talking Heads book

Talking Heads: Your Guide to Finding a Qualified Therapist in the UK

In a world that often tests the limits of our resilience, "Talking Heads" serves as a guiding light, emphasising the paramount importance of entrusting your mental well-being to qualified and regulated mental health professionals.

Dr Tara Quinn-Cirillo and Dr Marianne Trent  guide readers through the processes and questions involved in discerning that clinicians have appropriate skills, qualification and experience to be able to serve you well.

"The aim of this excellent book is to provide the general public in the UK with clear and helpful advice on the important questions involved in choosing an appropriate therapist. The writers are both qualified and regulated psychologists with years of practical experience in the field of mental health. "


"This book offers clear guidance on what to look for when looking for a therapist to ensure they are appropriately qualified and registered with relevant professional bodies. It also includes a section describing what to expect from therapy, with helpful client examples. I particularly liked their Questions for you section, which offers a simple, practical guide to those considering starting a therapy journey."


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